When Moduline first started to produce cabinets we wanted to be different and better than other cabinets on the market. One feature we came up with was to use our Toe Kick Riser feature as opposed to legs on the bases of our cabinets. The reasons are actually quite simple.
First, we actually work in the garage or shop so we have real experiences to apply to the design. We didn’t want tools or parts falling off the countertop or work bench and then bouncing or rolling under the bench. That would mean we would have to get down and reach under the bench to grab what had fallen. This is very inefficient and if you think about it, there’s probably a lot of dirt and grime under an open bench right? Who wants to get down and reach into that?
That brings up another good reason for the Toe Kick Riser. Cleanliness is very important to a home or shop. Having a toe kick keeps the underneath of your bench clean. There’s no trying to get a broom under there to sweep or getting down on your hands and knees with a rag to wipe up anything that spilled. We built functionality into our Toe Kick Riser. They are recessed 2″ from the front of the cabinet to make floor cleaning easy and provide comfortable foot space when standing in front of cabinets. 2″ or 4″ heights are available depending on the final desired height of your work surface. The Moduline Toe Kick Riser also allows for easy adjustment between riser and base cabinet to compensate for uneven floors. Our Toe Kick Riser is installed on the floor for a clean look with no gap between cabinet and floor. Height adjustment is then made between the riser and cabinet, where it can not be seen creating a neat and clean looking cabinet installation.
Think about your kitchen. Why aren’t your kitchen cabinets on legs? Having the Moduline Toe Kick Riser feature keeps things cleaner, safer, more efficient and just plain better looking. It’s the small things that make a huge difference, and that is why Moduline cabinets are the perfect choice for your tool and storage cabinet needs. Call today and let one of our trained cabinet experts help you chose the exact cabinets and options to fit your storage needs.